
icon why awene


Boosting movement with purpose

Awene supports all leaders and people who want to grow and drive their life with the desire to learn and move their mind with intelligence.

Awene’s mission is to support all individuals, teams and organizations who want to move toward the direction of what makes sense for them and have human life intelligence at the heart of their actions.

Awene boost movement with purpose.

icon why awene

Awene creates personal cohesion

Building trust and effective communication

Awene  facilitates and empowers, build connections and bridges, and cultivates coherence and cohesion, for both the group and the individual.
For Awene, cohesion means creating bonds, building trust, effective communication, and a sense of belonging.

Awene creates coherence to bring out the power of diversity.
Life thinks and acts collectively.
Together our goal is to boost collective intelligence as individuals and as a team!

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Body+Heart+Mind = Life Intelligence

Life intelligence brings together the combined intelligence of the body, heart and mind. Let’s learn to harness this intelligence to improve our performance in our work and daily life!

Move your mind using body language, emotional intelligence and relational agility


Awene puts us in motion

We think rationally and act emotionally


In today's world, we tend to only trust our brain and our rational thinking, which is just a fraction our intelligence. We also have body and emotional intelligence and that's not all!
What if we tapped into more of our capabilities and resources?

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" We build too many walls and not enough bridges "
Isaac Newton
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A name that embodies meaning, purpose and life force

Awen = the "state of flow" in Celtic
...when both body and mind are in a fully open state where we can connect with ourselves, with others and with our environment,
...a magic moment of openness, receptiveness, security, creativity, wholeness and aliveness.
...the feeling that time is suspended and that what we do has meaning
...a pure moment at the height of energy and performance - a place where we feel aligned and empowered.

Awen + E for Embodied cognition
...evoking the powerful intelligence we all have within us,
...listening to our bodies and the sensations, feelings and emotions that stimulate our brain and compel us to move,
...that energy that allows us to be our authentic selves.
